Our RIIO-ED1 Business Plan
Our Current Business Plan
2015 - 2023
Our regulator Ofgem has confirmed fast track for WPD’s Business Plan as part of the RIIO-ED1 regulatory price review for the period 2015 to 2023. The decision promises settlement of the overall plan a year ahead of schedule.
We thank all the stakeholders that have participated in the wide range of engagement that we have carried out. Their views have helped us to shape and refine our plans.
Our proposals for RIIO-ED1 build on our track record of providing excellent customer service and industry leading network performance. We will also provide additional services for vulnerable customers and look to a smarter future by providing network capacity at a lower cost through innovative ways of running the network.
A full copy of the Business Plan and Supplementary Annexes can be obtained by clicking here.
Individual parts of the Business Plan and Supplementary Annexes can be downloaded by clicking on the following links:
Additional supporting information is also available on the following additional pages:
- Supporting documents overview
- Supporting stakeholder engagement information
- Supporting outputs information
- Supporting expenditure information
- Supporting financing the plan information
- Supporting business efficiency information
- Supplier information
- Price control financial model
- Cost benefit analysis
A copy of the Errata can be obtained by clicking here. Published on 5th December 2013.
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