Previous performance reports
As a regulated business our revenue is governed by a price control mechanism administered by Ofgem. Each price control runs for a set period - RIIO-ED1, the current price control period, commenced in April 2015 and will end in March 2023.
In June 2013 we published a detailed Business Plan for the eight year period of RIIO-ED1 and made a number of commitments across a range of categories - from improving network reliability to maintaining high safety standards.
From the start of RIIO-ED1 we are required by Ofgem to annually publish detail on our progress against the commitments that we made in our business plan.
We recognise that some stakeholders will wish to access more detail on our performance than others. We have therefore produced different formats of our reporting to enable individuals to choose the report type that best meets their requirements. The options available are as follows:

A single page performance snapshot which allows for high level performance comparison.

A summary report which provides an overview of our performance in key areas.

A comprehensive report which provides detailed information on our progress against our Business Plan Commitments.

A glossary explaining technical terms contained within each report.

A single page performance snapshot which allows for high level performance comparison.

A summary report which provides an overview of our performance in key areas.

A comprehensive report which provides detailed information on our progress against our Business Plan Commitments.

A glossary explaining technical terms contained within each report.
In addition to the above reports we are required to publish a copy of Regulatory Instructions and Guidance (RIGs) sheet SI1 for each of our licence areas. SI1 forms part of the standard suite of reporting submitted to Ofgem on an annual basis. The data contained within SI1 is replicated within the performance Snapshot provided above but is published in compliance with Ofgem guidance.
- SI1 - West Midlands 2019-20
- SI1 - East Midlands 2019-20
- SI1 - South Wales 2019-20
- SI1 - South West 2019-20
- SI1 - West Midlands 2018-19
- SI1 - East Midlands 2018-19
- SI1 - South Wales 2018-19
- SI1 - South West 2018-19
- SI1 - West Midlands 2017-18
- SI1 - East Midlands 2017-18
- SI1 - South Wales 2017-18
- SI1 - South West 2017-18